Tuesday 31 May 2011

Something About My Job

Hi. This is first post in this blog, I should make it a good post to make everybody feeling excited to know me more, to make friend, and to share anything.. :)

About me, I'm 22 years old. I live in the small town with the great culture to go over the world: Ponorogo. I'm working at a studio of photography, and yes, photography currently become my hobby besides my job. And here some of my creations in editing photos. Let's see it and leave a comment.

me & Aruf, my partner in crime (haha!!) got captured and edited
thought that we doesn't look bad in negative side.. :p

and here I am...

Actually (or maybe as you see), I'm not just interested to capturing pictures, but also to be my own model. :D

This is amazing when I look at a great pictures, and create a story in it flows in each light set out.

Yes, I am a newbie. So don't be shy or hesitate to criticize my photos. Would be nice to share more in the next blog.